connection.h | |
connectionplugin.h | |
crypt.h | |
crypto.c | This implements all crypto functions |
crypto.h | |
debug.h | |
dyn_generic.h | This abstracts dynamic library loading functions |
dyn_unix.c | This abstracts dynamic library loading functions |
dyn_win32.c | This abstracts dynamic library loading functions |
error.h | |
errorcodes.h | |
globalplatform.c | This implements all Open- and GlobalPlatform functions |
globalplatform.h | |
ioapi.h | |
iowin32.h | |
library.h | |
loadfile.h | |
pcsclite.h | This keeps a list of defines for pcsc-lite |
resource.h | |
security.h | |
stdafx.h | |
stringify.h | |
testUtil.h | |
types.h | |
unicode.h | |
unistd.h | |
unzip.h | |
util.h | |
winscard.h | This handles smartcard reader communications |
wintypes.h | This keeps a list of Windows(R) types |
zip.h |